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How to have TB open attached office docs in Microsoft 365 free web version?

Making moves

I’ve searched and can’t find the answer so I’m posting my question/idea here for the expert Thunderbird community.

How would you go about making Thunderbird open attached MS Office documents (xls, xlsx, doc, docx, etc) in the online free version of Microsoft 365? I assume TB would need to automatically upload the attached doc to the associated M365 OneDrive account, then open the doc by opening the precise URL for that document in the browser. Is there any TB extension(s) that do this?

Right now it’s a pain to do by hand. You right click the attachment, do Save, switch to the Microsoft 365 app, hit upload, browse to your Downloads folder, select the newest doc (attachment) you just saved a moment ago while in TB, hit Upload to M365, finally go to the doc thru the M 365 app, and it opens in the browser, ready to view and maybe edit. Phew. Try doing that routine 20 times per day!

Note: the goal is NOT to open these M365 docs in any locally installed MS apps - because there are none installed, assume the user is NOT paying for the Microsoft 365 subscription level that includes the locally installed MS office apps. Besides, users usually want to start to use only the online free web version of MS 365 apps because you can’t get your local machine infected with malicious code running in macros hidden inside the documents, since the document is remote on the Microsoft 365 server.




As far as i'm concerned, i use, Apache OpenOffice1.pngNote, you see, Portable Document Format (PDF) Utiliser OpenOffice Draw
Prior to this, i installed, PDF Import


Thanks for the your reply and the suggestion to use open source apps!  We're aware of OpenOffice and LibreOffice.

Despite the desire to refrain from using Microsoft Office 365 and Google Docs, they dominate the market and are often necessary.  OpenOffice and LibreOffice are very good, however they do not always render every document's pages 100% identical to what the Microsoft 365 apps render, there are sometimes significant visual or layout rendering differences.  More complex documents with intricate formatting, embedded objects, or specific styles are more likely to exhibit differences.  While both suites support common formats like DOCX and ODT, there can be subtle differences in how they interpret and render these formats.  Updates to either LibreOffice, OpenOffice, or Microsoft 365 can introduce changes that may affect compatibility and rendering.  Certain features, such as advanced layout options, graphics manipulation, or equation editing, might have slightly different implementations in each suite.

To be 100% sure of seeing the same rendered pages as the Office 365 users with whom we are collaborating on documents, we very often choose to use the 100% free Microsoft 365 web apps, to eliminate the possibility of unknown and unseen rendering differences between a M365 app and its open source alternative app.  For this reason, we need Thunderbird itself (or an extension) to be able to take documents attached to Thunderbird emails, and with one click, button, or keystroke, automatically and smoothly open them in the relevant free, web browser based, Microsoft 365 app.  This action - opening an attached office doc in the free web M365 - may be repeated 50 times per day, so it must require just one action input from the users - a click, or a keystroke - and occur automatically from that point.

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