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How about warning user before they edit ideas?

Making moves

After was approved, I edited the idea to provide more backgound and then only to find it returned to review-pending status and lost all the comments and kudos for the idea. As far as I have searched, this was not explained anywhere.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for bringing this up and sorry for the confusion - anything that gets added or edited in the Ideas section goes through the moderation process. I'll add a note to the Ideas Guidelines and see if we can put a reminder or something when someone starts the editing process.

Your idea should be visible again and open to more kudos and comments 🙌

View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for bringing this up and sorry for the confusion - anything that gets added or edited in the Ideas section goes through the moderation process. I'll add a note to the Ideas Guidelines and see if we can put a reminder or something when someone starts the editing process.

Your idea should be visible again and open to more kudos and comments 🙌

Got it, thank you for quick response!

Making moves

No wonder I lost kudos from my ideas. I also edited my ideas to add more tags so my idea would be properly classified. Had I known it, I wouldn't have bothered improving my idea.