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Firefox Nightly - Vertical Tab Grouping Update

Making moves

Just found that we can now group tabs together into a group as well as dynamical change the size of the side bar, so thank you for those FF team as dynamic resizing was one of my other request.

Had two further idea in regards to tab grouping. Currently you can only see the name of the tab group if you have the side bar extended to a set point. Even if the tab group is named a single character. I personally like to keep my side bar squished down as much as possible to save space. So having some visual indicator other than color when the side bar is at its smallest would be awesome! I'm thinking like if the tab is called 'Youtube' for example it would just show a Y, or YT. It wouldn't need to auto name if we could set that manually but both would be nice, or set a group icon, that way you could just set again using Youtube, the Youtube logo for the group icon and then store all of your Youtube tabs under that section.

The second part is a small thing but again for saving space a bit. Currently if you have a tab open in any group on the vertical bar and then you minimize the group it jumps you out of the current tab you are in. Again using Youtube as an example because I always have 5-10 YT tabs open. Give us the ability to still actively be in a tab that is in a group, but also have the group minimized. A lot of the time I am researching something on Youtube and have a ton of other tabs open doing research at the same time. So if every time I want to jump back to the youtube tab I have to open the group and find it among all of the YT tabs, it becomes a bit cumbersome. There are finicky ways around it currently but a simple group is minimized but have one tab open under that group still would be great.


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