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dragging tabs left-right in a window, to new window or to another window is no longer possible??

Making moves

Until recently it was possible to drag tabs left-right in a window (in order to sort them), or I could drag a tab 'out of' a window in order to open it i a new window, and I could also drag a tab from one window into another (and if there was only one tab in a window, that window woud be automatically closed if the tab was dragged into another one)

I used this feature everyday, and it is a vital part of my way of working and using firefox.

But suddenly it doesn't work anymore. Currently there is only some user-hostile, annoying, 2005-style right-click + dropdown menu with options to move a tab all the way to the right or all the way to the left.

Could these original features described in the top of my message please just be reintroduced ASAP?

Without them I have to look for another provider, and I am otherwise very happy to use and support Mozilla and Firefox.

AND - if there is something I have to do to 'reactivate' this after your latest update, someone please tell me what I should do, and in any case: these should be standard features.🙏

Thanks a lot!🙏🙏🙏