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Different URLs for the same bookmark.

Making moves

Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I have a massive list of bookmarks sorted into different categories and when I load them, some of the URLs are different to what is shown in the bookmark list and therefore the bookmark star in the address bar is not filled. If I then save that new bookmark I then have a duplicate - not that I really need it, but it confuses with what was saved before. What's up with this? Is this simply the website have multiple URLs to the same page?

As an example, a lot of my bookmark entries in the bookmark manager are: URL + /profile = numbers vs the actual web URL which consists of a descriptive name. If I save the new un-bookmarked descriptive (actual) URL, it will save under it. While I haven't noticed direct changes, I suspect coming back to them later has them under a different name. Could this have something to do with syncing bookmarks to Firefox Sync?



Firefox is very literal about whether the current page's URL matches any bookmark. If the page redirects (for example, from HTTP to HTTPS), then the star won't be blue. Unfortunately, there's no feature to automatically backtrack to which bookmark you clicked that needs to be updated (assuming the site isn't have a temporary issue). That would be interesting if it's possible.

The numbers/names issue reminds me of how my blog works: under the covers, it's all numbers, but some code changes the addresses to "Friendly" URLs that use parts of a post title. I'm not sure how anyone could actually bookmark the numeric URL unless they found that information in the page itself. ??

Making moves

I have no idea.

I use Firefox for learning. My Bookmark tree is massive and I have lots of folders and subfolders, so I need to open lots of bookmarks for a given section of what I'm learning. For example, today... open some bookmarks, lots don't have a bookmark star because they're now differently labelled. As an example:

This link is what I want. It is unbookedmarked but it is in my bookmark list as: - this, of course is quite annoying because they're different and as such they're not treated the same. I didn't save the bookmark as such but I can only assume Firefox Sync has something to do with it.

Some other links break entirely (not the one above) and lead to page 404 errors. I can then navigate to the bookmark in my list or type the name of said bookmark in the address bar and it will have the same bookmark title, with the correct address and yet the other is bringing up 404s. Here is an example:

That leads to a 404.

Yet doesn't - this is not bookmarked either but appears in my previously visited and it loads. No wait, now it doesn't. Now the working link is What the hell is going on!? I highly doubt the website is changing the URL for this one plant multiple times per day, every day.

This entire thing is a huge mess. Can't URLs just be left untarnished? Why are they being changed?

I just loaded this: from the address bar after typing aster, and selected an entry in the suggestions bar that drops down. It had a favourites/bookmark star next to it. The page then loads - no bookmark shown. There's quite a number of these issues and it's affecting my bookmark tree and disorganising it which then becomes distracting.

I might as well have to use the horrors of another browser if this isn't resolved. I've had issues with bookmarking and syncing on Firefox for years but I'd never released just how bad it was until fairly recently.

I appreciate the input of those who reply. I'm not into the technical side and coding of Firefox, so all of this is beyond me.