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Browser freezing up

Making moves

Since the last update or two, I have been having trouble with the browser freezing up if I'm on very long, which I usually am.  Is there some setting I should change?  (This never happened before the updates and I haven't changed my usage.)  Thank you in advance for your help.


Making moves

SAme here CArrie. Updated 5 days ago and have had 3 freeze ups. Definitely a bug.

Making moves

Greetings, All! -=^_,_^=-

I want to resurrect this and add my feedback. I've been exclusively using FireFox on my phone, desktop PC and my laptop. Freezes happen on the laptop that require manual power-down, and it happens only when FireFox is open in two windows -- on my primary screen, and on my secondary 1080p@60hz screen. I run by default the dedicated graphics in my laptop, and they are stable in demanding games, powered by the laptop's version of GeForce 3080, 16 GB VRAM.

It has never happened in the past but been happening over the last three months.

I have up to date chipset drivers, GPU drivers, including built-in into the CPU integrated graphics, all Windows' updates are installed as well. I run the latest version of the Command Center by Eluktronics (it's an Eluktronics Mech 15 laptop with Ryzen 5800x and the 3080).

It's very peculiar, because my desktop PC has been freezing much more often due to all the tinkering I've been doing in BIOS and Adrenalin, such as OC'ing and tuning, which is understandable. And lways have FireFox windows open on all screens... Though I know for sure the system issues when I get too greedy with the OC'ing or adjusting RAM timings and so forth. But my laptop has been always rock-solid. And there's no way to OC the CPU, very little options in BIOS, and my GPU OC is quite lower than what it can actually do in most titles. Freezes happen when I don't game, for the record. At times when I watch Amazon Prime or NetFlix. Image stops, sound continues, I can't refresh and can't click on "Restart" or "Shut Down," ALT+CTR+DELETE also don't do anything, no matter how many times I press the combination, or how long I hold the keys down.

Since the freezes Only Happen with the FireFox browser's windows open -- I *think,* circumstantially, that the issue is with the FireFox. It is, of course, always up to date.

If anyone has any comments of how I can fix this, perhaps there's a stable older version of FireFox that could work better? -- I would be glad to hear.

I suppose the first thing I will try to -- is to uninstall and reinstall the browser, though it contains a lot of very helpful information, and it will be a big shame to use all of it (though maybe my profile will get imported from the phone/desktop? -- never dealt with this, as in the browser errors that require shutting down the entire system -- so my experience with the software is not deep)...

I will try to do a "softer" re-install and see if I can keep the info... I will reply in a few weeks if this done the trick, or issues are continuing. Perhaps, to test with a different browser for a while (thought I am not a big fan of Chrome or Explorer, though there's Opera, Brave and few other ones that may do in the meantime) -- and see if any of that makes the difference... Stay Tuned 🙂 Now that I especially need the system stability for work -- of course it's when such things start to happen 😛

Thank you so much!!