02-13-2025 12:38 PM
I just noticed that Youtube store 176 cookies* from watching ONE video, I don't think all those are necessary & I don't want all that to be stored.
*(Seen in: Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data > Handle Data, then Sort by most cookies).
A few features I'm missing,
== Critical: ==
* A FUNCTIONING time-out function that removes old cookies based on a user-set "best before" duration. (eg: 6 months, everything older is deleted), this function would only need to run maybe once a day, or weekly, it could even just run when the PC is idle.
* A way to filter INDIVIDUAL cookies (not just "allow all" per site), and preferably some way to analyze / understand their functionality, maybe something similar to the Add-on: "Lightbeam" by "chikl", where you easily can see what connection every cookie has to different websites, plus some functionality to delete cookies (nodes) &/or delete connections (vertices) (aka. client-side black-list a site from accessing that cookie).
* Maybe that "Lightbeam" like plugin could also work as a reputation for cookies, similar to how "Virustotal.com" has a file-lookup where you can see each files reputation.
Something like: "46 out of 200 users have blocked this cookie, for a 23% block rate", this could allow you to just simply set a "lower limit", (eg: "block EVERY cookie below 30% reputation") or ( "everything below 50% gets a 2 weeks lifetime before deletion", or "Cookies above 90% reputation gets a 6 month lifetime duration", or it could simply be some kind of math formula (logarithmic curve?) to determine every cookies life time, from eg: "0% rep = 0 seconds, to 100% rep = 8 months" or something )
== Nice to have: ==
* Some kind of limit for how many cookies a site is allowed to set?
* Probably more things, but I have forgotten them now, and this post is long enough already.