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102.0 changed New profiles will default to using "Threaded" message view

Making moves

I have been using Thunderbird for 25 years, withstanding all attempts of several organisations to press me into MS outlook.  Now I am getting somewhat desperate. All my profiles, also the old ones are using now trheaded view since the 102.0 version. It is a pitty that this was set the default view and that one is not able to change it permanently as a choice. Threaded view is confusing me in general - I have a well-structured folder organisation of my mail. Furthermore, most correspondents are not consequently using a new Subject when sending emails. Therefore, the automatic default, not changable threaded view using the subject line does not make sense at all. I kindly ask Thunderbird developers to improve the experience of my beloved Thunderbird and make it a choice whether to have threaded or unthreaded view permanently and for all folders: one choice, one click instead of clicking desperately every time I open a folder on view/sort/unthreaded only to have to do it again when I return to one and the same folder after few minutes. Many thanks.


Making moves

I agree.  This update with the threaded emails is a royal pain.  Clicking on the first mail opens up all of the linked email as tabs.  Then you have to close them all. Who wants that?  Who thought this was a good idea, TB did not do it before?

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

@HP999 wrote:

I agree.  This update with the threaded emails is a royal pain.  Clicking on the first mail opens up all of the linked email as tabs.  Then you have to close them all. Who wants that?  Who thought this was a good idea, TB did not do it before?

@HP999I don't understand the process you are using, because I cannot reproduce it. A single click should not cause messages to open. Can you state the full and exact steps to reproduce this issue?

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

@thunderstorm, I feel your pain.  While I don't use unthreaded in most of my folders, I do use it in some.

This change was made for two reasons

  1. telemetry (statistics) from our users indicated "threaded" was a favored choice even though unthreaded had been the default
  2. the "industry standard" amongst other mail clients has gone in the direction of threaded as the default

There is good news, the newest updates of 102 now provides the capability to apply your view  choice (including threading choice) through the column chooser. 

Pick a folder and set up the column choices and threading. Then click on the column chooser of the message list (far right), at the bottom click "Apply Current View".  You can pick specific folders or apply it to an entire email account.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

Perhaps the reason we use Thunderbird is because it is different than all the other mail clients.  We don't want threaded.  How do I get it to change and then stay.  It seems that every few hours it changes back to threaded and the only reason I know is because I can't find older email I'm looking for.


Making moves

I do not mind the existence of threaded, I do mind that without asking me this change has been applied to my settings, as the others I really hate threaded view (since it actually obscures the most recent messages). So as too often in the open source community these changes are forced upon people since a developer decides 'it is best for you'. Sorry but I want to decide that for myself (at 61 I think I am old and wise enough to have that capability) and is it really too difficult to ask me for acquiescence before doing this?

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