@plsstopthisI don't think that workaround works in all circumstances: my Firefox is installed via apt, and when my Linux software manager does an auto-update in the background, it doesn't pay attention to the app.update.auto setting. Every other app...
Yep, definitely not fixed. Updated just now, and here's my "about" dialogue on top of a tab where I just tried going to Google.. Please, Firefox team, we're really not being unreasonable in our request!
I've posted to this thread before. I can't believe how long it's taking to get a solution for what is frankly a horrendous blunder of UI design! As I've said before, feel free to warn and remind me (even loudly) until I restart Firefox, but don't p...
UPDATE: I confirmed my change - returning from the sendToRestartRequiredPage function immediately - using sed. But today, when Firefox started, it was unable to load pinned tabs or open new tabs! I reverted the change and all was well again. So it...