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why does Firefox mobile keep asking me what language I want to translate to?

Making moves

When users visit a website, they have an urgent need to access specific information. The last thing they want is to wrestle with menus and settings - especially settings that should be remembered from previous use.

Firefox's website translation feature is frustratingly inefficient compared to other mobile browsers.

In Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Brave):

  • Browser automatically detects when content is in a foreign language.
  • Instantly translates the entire website to your preferred language (the language preference is based on the OS, browser settings, or previous choice). the translation happens "in one blink".

In Firefox:

  • Translation must be enabled manually for each page. (I know it's possible to translate a language automatically but I disabled it, which adds an extra step, because at best FF translation repeats words and produces outright unfathomable phrases and at worst, it breaks the website UI altogether).
  • A menu pops up requiring you to:
  • Select the source language from a long list (if Firefox doesn't detect it which happens half the time) 
  • Manually select your target language from another long list 3.
  • This entire process must be repeated for every page, nevermind every website, as Firefox doesn't remember your language preferences 

While Firefox's translation quality isn't perfect - sometimes duplicating words or breaking website layouts - the bigger issue is this time-consuming process that stands between users and the information they need.