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why did you remove yandex and

Making moves

Once again imperialism; I thought Mozilla was far removed from these realities. Today we eliminate everything that comes from Russia, tomorrow it will be our turn. Perhaps Mozilla itself.
We still haven't understood that - regardless of what the reasons for a conflict may be - we have to stop separating ourselves to fight together against the real enemies of our freedom: the tech giants, who exploit us as an extractive resource.


Familiar face

Ah yes, it's the Tech Giants that are rolling tanks into foreign countries and killing American news corespondents. Not a foreign superpower. Who will think of the poor, defenseless foreign superpower?

Lol. Grow up. If you don't like the idea of "American Imperialism", don't use an American browser. I'm sure Vladimir Putin would appreciate you using his own, state approved internet browser with "state approved" news stories.

It's not even that you can't use Yandex or on Firefox anymore. It's that they aren't enabled by default anymore, and you're too lazy and/or stupid to add them to your browser yourself (the freedom to do that is what Firefox is about after all).

Don't waste your time talking to this Kremlin shill like I did. If he had his way, all the nations of the world would be licking Putin's soviet boot.

Once again, imperialism, just like in the Cold War.

Tell you what, if you really wanna make a meaningful difference for Mother Russia, maybe you should try contributing to this open-source project instead:

This is not the place for name calling, and you shouldn't reply if you can't be peaceful.


Lol. Grow up. If you don't like the idea of "American Imperialism", don't use an American browser.

Firefox isn't an "American browser", it's a community effort with contributors from around the globe, including Russia.

Interesting, as the great Noam Chomsky pointed out, even asking for peace now gets you tagged as a "kremlin shill" or "putin apologist".


Making moves

Mozilla's motto was for humanity.
I would like to know if it changed its slogan to "browser for USA" ?

It didn't. I'm just using "Make America Great Again" logic to trigger the people on here who behave like "Make America Great Again" cultists.

Firefox is for humanity, not for a specific nation. But humanity is a messy thing, and you can't please everyone by acting according to what you believe is the greater good, nor how someone else defines the greater good.

Case in point, the removal of Yandex as a default search engine is superficial, because it can be manually re-installed by the user, and Mozilla has neither the duty to include it as a default option nor the duty to block it as an option. They do, however, have the freedom to choose the default options of their browser, just as users have the freedom to change those defaults.

That's what frustrates me. The idea that Mozilla is "Obligated" to include a Search Engine that caters to a specific geographic region that is engaging in military conflict with other nations, strikes me as "Censorship" in the same way Mozilla being "Obligated" to not include it strikes others as Censorship.

"Freedom" is a two way street. Mozilla has the freedom to choose their defaults, users have the freedom to change it. That's something we should all remember.

Making moves

There have been numerous invasions of America to date. (America tried to stage a coup in my country, it failed.) Mozilla has never taken sides.
It did not ban American companies.
What's wrong with Mozilla this time?
Why is he taking sides this time?

Well, that's the thing. What would happen if an American Company banned American Companies on the premise of being American as a consequence of an American Military invasion? Could you imagine the kind of bad press it would receive from American news outlets like Fox?

With the current invasion, not only is Mozilla free to do this while remaining on the good side of the American public, but it is the standard set by other organizations in America. RT shut down it's own American offices, seemingly as a consequence of conflict.

Then again, Mozilla never said the removal of Yandex from the default search options was because of the war. In fact, there's evidence to suggest that it was simply because Yandex did not want to fund Mozilla, or perhaps could not fund Mozilla. In any case, it's likely that the removal was simply a matter of "wrong time, wrong place" rather than an outright political statement. (If this happened a year ago, I promise you the reaction would not be as passionate, or at least not as political)

I cannot iterate enough. If anyone is passionate enough about Yandex that they want to use it in Firefox, let alone use it as the default, THEY ARE STILL FREE TO DO SO. They can still access the Yandex website, they can still right click on the address bar, they can still add Yandex to their list of search engines, and they can still set Yandex as the default. The browser itself will not stop any of that. That's freedom in action.

Call back when the browser itself stops allowing any access to Yandex (asssuming it's the browser and not the internet provider), and then we'll talk about "censorship".


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