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Thunderbird-updates in the past

Making moves

Hello from Germany

I have been using Thunderbird for years. However, it happens very often that I can only update the current version after 2 or more days. Why is that?

Since November 19th, 128.4.4esr is available, but when I want to update my 128.4.3esr version, it says: Thunderbird is up to date.

Why is it not possible to update Thuinderbird to the latest version immediately, i.e. automatically?

Then there is a 2nd problem:

I use a paid virus scanner from Avira. Avira shows me the apps that I should update. Avira has been recognizing for months that I still have the long outdated Thunderbird version 128.4.0esr on my computer and that I should update to .1, .2, .3 and now .4. Avira
did not recognize the first three updates I successfully performed and reports that it is 128.4.4esr, which I cannot do as described above.

Avira has not known what to do for days. And Thunderbird is extremely cumbersome. Please clarify this.

Best regards H.S.


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