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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and itโ€™s there to see if itโ€™s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and weโ€™re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether itโ€™s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,730 REPLIES 3,730

Making moves

cant stand it !

Making moves

allow a user to completely remove it permanently ! including from all menus !

Making moves

This is truly a bad idea, and it's making me consider switching to a different browser. I don't want this junking up my life.

Making moves

I tried gemini, it works but it should load in a private container, because I don't want to browse internet while I'm logged in into google. So please add option to load the sidebar gemini in a container.



Content removed

Making moves

Please, allow the sidebar to be made smaller.  May it be an option as a developer tool to be enabled.  This function will bring utility in use cases.

Making moves

There should be a way to access the chatbot without double clicking. Maybe a shortcut or a button. There's screen real estate beside the refresh button.

Making moves

This is such a great feature that I use all the time throughout the day and I appreciate how you enabled a variety of services, similar to your approach to search engines. My feature enhancement request would be a shortcut to be able to go directly to it. Currently I do CMD+B to go to bookmarks then click to AI Chatbot isn't ideal.

Please don't let the pushback from the haters get your down. I have no doubt they were barking when search was added in the address bar too.

Kuddos to your team for adding this!

Please don't use dehumanizing language like comparing people to animals. There is definitely hate, but it's not coming from where you say. 

Making moves

I like this feature.  My main issue is when you're using Gemini, and you're trying to summarize a youtube video, it doesn't work unless I manually copy the youtube address and paste it in the chatbox.  You should just pass the address into the chatbot when doing something like summarize or explain, that way Gemini can use its extensions like youtube to pull the data.

also provide an easier way to leave feedback so I dont have to go to settings > Labs > Leave feedback

Making moves

I liked the feature. please also add meta ai in the list. I previously seen this in brave browser. But there i dont need any login type **bleep**. so i recommend acessing ai without login will be good. And also need to open the sidebar from the top right corner is also good

Making moves

It's sad that there are so many haters. I find it important to play around with the possibilities of AI in the browser so pleas keep thinking creatively, dear firefox team.

That being said, I find the experience quite limiting. I would have expected to being able to fully "interact" with the website instead of just passing a prompt plus some marked test into a form for me.

I.e. it could be nice maybe that if I use the AI prompt window from firefox, it will have the context of the website automatically and know about this as context (website content and the fact that it is being called from a browser and assisting me from there). So when I ask a question, it will know precisely what we are talking about. And how about handling images?

Keep it up!

In no way do I want a baked in Firefox feature to send website context to a 3rd party system. We have extensions that can do that with user consent and control.

Totally agree. The browser is basically an operating system within the operating system. Without AI support most of the internet won't be usable any longer and so integration of AI automation/ actions in the browser first hand would be great.
I love firefox and the privacy first attitude behind it and I want to see it prolong into the modern way of working.

What parts of the internet are you visiting that are unusable without AI?!

Unfortunately there are a lot of people that can barely understand anything above a 6th grade reading level and need to have things dumbed down so they have a shot at understanding.

Not realizing how destructive that all is, is just part of their ignorance.

Making moves

Deleted by poster.

Making moves

Please add Ollama for privacy  ๐Ÿ˜

Making moves

Hi, I love the new feature and firefox as well ofc. I was wanting a simple feature like "mark text"->"ask questions / summarize it" for a couple of weeks now. Looking forward to have this feature integrated in the reader view as well.

I'm missing an extra toolbar button to quickly switch between my TreeStyleTab sidebar view and the chat. plz.

Making moves

Hey, personally, I like the new feature, but I would like it even more if there were more AI options and the navigation menu at the top was removed. In the future, it might be great to add social interfaces to the sidebar ๐Ÿ˜.

Captura de Tela (791).png


Making moves

Please donโ€™t add AI features please do not do it. 

all AI has done is inconvenience me and itโ€™s environmentally harmful. 

Making moves

This is fine as long as it can be switch on/off

Making moves

I think it's really cool that AI is being integrated into browsers! I understand that some people might be a bit wary, but you don't have to use it if you don't want to. I don't get all the negative feedback.

Personally, I use it a lot, especially for translating. It's definitely more convenient than DeepL or Google Translate.

Of course, the integration isn't perfect. I added the shortcut "Show side panels" to my favorites bar, but it takes me straight to my bookmarks.

It would be awesome to be able to use language models (LLMs) directly on your computer, especially since there are so many free ones available. It would allow for even more customization.

Making moves

Quick thought: do **bleep**ing not do this. **bleep** AI. gross ass **bleep**. what are you, a cop?

Making moves

Hey Mozilla, don't do this.

Making moves

Generative AI is not just a sociocultural problem, but an economical and ecological problem. It drains lakes of water to cool the servers used for these programs, and emits more CO2 than even a Captain Planet villain would. NO to generative AI.

Upscaling tools, screen-readers, and accessibility and QOL features are more along the lines of what I'll accept when it comes to AI, but not scrapers and thieves, nor the patently wrong information AI search results have given us. Be smart about this, guys.

Making moves

Allow me to select text or I will stop using anything that doesn't. 

Can someone explain to me why developers are trying to get text to not be copy capable.

They don't want you to steal the work they've already stolen.

This is a problem with the sites in sidebar, not with the chatbots I believe. But yeah I agree, fix text selection and enter button.


Making moves

I just made Firefox my default browser solely because it doesn't incorporate AI at all. Please don't add it -- I don't care if it's optional or not. I don't want it.

Why? what's the problem if it's just turned off?
A.I. is a revolution and if you don't want to embrace it you don't have to push away others from using it


A revolution of what? 

Glorified auto complete, that is prone to hallucination and outright fabrication, powering through natural resources on its march to what... Give bad summaries to people who arent able to understand the source material?  Create bland images for people with no artistic talent? 

What use do you see that's revolutionary?

Oh, wow, what a visionary critique! A revolution of what, you ask? Clearly, just a glorified autocomplete, huh? Because, obviously, the ability to instantly access and synthesize information from the entirety of human knowledge is just so... mundane.

Hallucination and fabrication, you say? Like how humans never make mistakes or spread misinformation, right? And those natural resources? Yeah, because no other industry or technology ever consumes resources for their "revolutionary" advancements.

Bad summaries, you mention? Oh, please, because everyone has the time and expertise to read every piece of literature in existence. And those bland images? How dare we assist those without "artistic talent" โ€“ art should be gatekept, of course!

What use is revolutionary? I guess only if it fits your narrow view of what revolution should look like. But hey, thanks for the insightful commentary on how we're just spinning our digital wheels here. Bravo.

I think we both agree you are the one making extraordinary claims and backing it with nothing but marketing blurbs. 

You've shown you have no desire to back up what you say, so this'll be the last I respond to you.

AI is destroying the environment. How do I "opt out" of that? Just because you support corporate profits over human well-being doesn't mean I want to share in the resulting misery. 

People like that, the ones that try to dunk on you by using AI slop, not realizing that what came out said nothing, are not capable of seeing the relationship.  Their toy does their analysis, conclusion, and gives text that if you don't read it critically, can fool you into thinking these have any kind of intelligence.

Leaving those of us that care to try to continue the fight.

Yeap you caring guys just keep on fighting. I'm sure you'll win, like Kodak did, and Blockbuster. You guys are like the coal miners, resisting the fight for cleaner energy.

LOL "AI is destroying the environment". Which environment is AI destroying? Can you name one? And how exactly did you arrive at the conclusion that I "support corporate profits over human well-being" ?

The only environment AI appears to be destroying is the one between your ears.

Which environment is AI destroying? Can you name one? 

Earth's. Look up AI's impact on carbon output and drinkable water usage. I am not interested in being part of the fallout for something you personally like. 

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