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Return to 115

Making moves

Good morning,

When I turned on my PC this morning to check my e-mails, I got notices that I'm now using 128.  Unfortunately I experienced all sorts fo problems already. I'm using WIN 10 HOME on a classic PC.  The first problem was that while reading an e-mail, the blue window in the lower corner alerted me that I had a new message, and so the screen that I was at disappeared.

Then, when I made comments to the e-mail and was preparing to send it out again, I noticed that on the left side, instead of having my address list, it showed a full column of e-mail history from one person.

SO!, despite the newsletter that I read over the weekend about 128, it seems to me that it's not yer ready for prime time.  How do I go back to 115, which worked OK, fine about 99% of the time.  I'm getting to despise upgrades because they're ALWAYS fraught with unintended negative consences.

Thank you.



Making moves

Unfortunately, it seems developers have to justify their existence by always tinkering, and forget the old adage: "If it ain't broke, DON'T "fix" it.  Up until this latest update Thunderbird worked fine.  Now it's laggy and unresponsive most of the time.  I'm strongly considering finding a new email client that works.

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