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Really difficult to report bugs to Mozilla!

Making moves

I have been on a loop for the past 10 minutes to report a bug on Firefox Monitor!

As a long time user of Open Source I can guarantee that the common user would not be this persistent.

The loop is: Report a problem > Select Product > (there is no option for Firefox Monitor) > Contact > Get Support > back to the loop!

The solution: Add an item for "Other Mozilla products"

I understand that having feedback forms that do not require registration is an open door for spammers but you might also loose valid feedback from people who really don't want to waste 10 minutes to report problems.



Hi, what site are you using to report the bug?

Bugzilla ( has an "other products" option, but this obviously isn't the most user-friendly web app.

Wouldn't it make sense for Mozilla to have an easy way for users (even unregistered) to provide feedback?

If you open the Products button in it would seem that Firefox Monitor is somewhat important for Mozilla...

Do they not need feedback?

Making moves

Anteriormente existía la opción "Me Gusta" "No me Gusta" en la que se podía aportar con opiniones a favor o sugerencias y reportar algún inconveniente del navegador, lamentablemente ya no existe opción similar y fácil, pues ahora hay que suscribirse a, llenar formularios y demasiadas otras opciones para indicar algun inconveniente que la gran mayoría deja de hacerlo (me incluyo, pues hace mucho tiempo que dejé de escribir los errores que encontraba o felicitar por las mejoras debido a lo tedioso que se volvió), perdiendo información y aportes valiosos para mejorar Firefox.

Previously there was the option "I Like" "I Dislike" in which you could contribute with opinions in favor or suggestions and report any inconvenience of the browser, unfortunately there is no longer a similar and easy option, because now you have to subscribe to connect.mozilla .org, fill out forms and too many other options to indicate some inconvenience that the vast majority stop doing (I include myself, since I stopped writing the errors I found a long time ago or congratulating them for the improvements due to how tedious it became), losing valuable information and input to improve Firefox.

Making moves

I absolutely agree -- The older "Firefox makes me sad" and "firefox makes me happy" were much better devices to dispatch our "user-s" reactions and sentiments.

Today I've noticed a whole bunch of radical behaviour on Wayland that wasn't there this morning.  It is now manifest after an "upgrade" -- Not sure if it is not a downgrade to he honest.  All my firefox windows have cll been moved to the same workspace,  just a whole bunch or unnaturaly disturbances that need to be manually corrected! 

WHY Mozilla?  Afraid of bug reports?  I first started writing programs in the 1980-s; in those olden-days we treasured bug reports.  I guess we had an engineering perspective(?)!  Btw, I also have a Marketing degree  and I can sense bull-dust over substance with minimal effort. 

I recall the line oft repeated in "Dune" -- "Fear is the mind killer."

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