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New Bookmark location flipped?

Making moves

I hope it isn't a bug. Or rather, I hope it is a bug and not a new feature. I have several hundred bookmarks that I have amassed over the past few years, and I am well used to new bookmarks being saved... at the bottom. My several hundred bookmarks are thus perfectly and naturally organised in chronological order.


With the recent update, new bookmarks appear at the top. This is extremely jarring, and may mean i migrate to another browser. Why was this forced onto us? Why not make it a setting? It's absolutely useless - for me, at least - as my bookmarks are mostly book updates that I can comfortably not revisit for several months. Having the most recent one at the top is the least optimal solution.

Not only that, but my bookmarks now have 5 from the past week at the top, followed by the start of my old bookmarks from about 4y ago...

How is everyone else finding this little tweak?


Familiar face

Does that also happen if you create a bookmark while in Troubleshoot mode (


my fault, forgot to clarify I'm using ff mobile (android)