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Mozilla evangelist since 15 years: Permanently locked out of Firefox? :(

Making moves

Namaste beautiful and wonderful community (the best kind of people),

I am writing this with a heavy heart, after having spent last 9 hours trying to work this out, and finally realizing that I have been permanently locked out of Firefox.

I have been a Firefox evangelist for the last 15 years: using, popularizing, and installing Firefox in hundreds of machines (if not thousands). I have also spent hundreds of hours in organizing and participating in Firefox popularization programs in my college and elsewhere. Apart from this, I have also worked for popularization of ancillary Mozilla software like Lockwise, Mozilla VPN, Thunderbird, BugZilla, Firebug etc.

I have always downloaded Firefox and logged in to sync as soon as I was issued a new device at my work. I have also always encouraged everyone else here to use it.

I got issued new laptop today. As usual, I downloaded Firefox and tried to sign in. I had forgotten the password. When I went to reset it, it warned me that all my data would be deleted.

In panic, I rushed home and checked the Firefox accounts password on my personal desktop (it has Firefox signed in since more than 5 years). It was an older password (screenshot attached).

Then, I tried to change my password from my home PC. The Firefox accounts website keeps asking for my current password (even though I am logged into Firefox sync).

I tried and re-tried everything that came to my mind, but to no avail.

I was always acutely aware about the critical importance of my Firefox account. So, I always made sure to save the Firefox account password within Firefox every time I signed in. However, when the sync started, the new password was always replaced by the old one from the server. This is the reason why my home PC doesn't have the current password (screenshot attached).

Is this the end of the road for me? I cannot bear the idea of deleting all my data. The Firefox history is the history of my life.

Please guide if there is a way out. I am hoping against all hope.

It was beautiful while it lasted... 😞 😞