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Is it possible to offer for download Firefox-134 binary statically linked for Linux 64 bit obeying the requirements noted on mozilla pages ?

Making moves

I want to update Firefox but also version Firefox-134 causes the same problem as all previous versions newer than Firefox-95: GUI is not started in my Linux system despite all the requirements noted on the Mozilla pages with the release are satisfied. Basing on that I have read and experimented as well as on response to my bug report, I suppose that the new versions of Firefox are not able to start GUI using libGL backend GLX and they require LibGL backend EGL only. This requires libEGL version and other associated libraries that are present only in newest versions of Linux distributions like Fedora-41. These new versions are for new hardware and it is pointless to install them on older hardware because they would work probably ineffectively and cause problems. Linux is very customizable and users introduce adjustments and install software created by themselves, for years. That is why an update to radically new version of the Linux distribution is justified after buying a new computer. This would be required for making the Firefox-134 binary provided to run with GUI as well as for possible compiling it from source.

That is why I would like to ask for consideretion of submitting Firefox-134 binary statically linked (at least the libraries that are required for GUI) so that it will work with GUI on older Linux systems obeying the requirements noted on mozilla pages with Firefox releases, assuming 4-8 GB RAM is available.


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