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internet syncing

Making moves

i seem to have worked my internet out alot better - logged into google account ,then security , scrolled to bottom to password manager and linked accounts- this showed websites trying to access email /samsung info /banking info and passwords - i deleted the websites thenran the darkweb scan on google and  deleted google account and the accounts i had problems - malware bytes shows 100% on web security and is blocking alot of microsoft trying to link back in -- int6ernet is telling me that microsoft is basically doing the software and google doing the internet - deleting google seems to have stopped gmail ,microsoft teams and half sending fake dating sites ,online job scams and telemarketers from accessing personal info via linked and synced accounts plus it seems to disrupt the encrypted links from microsoft software to google internet and stuff blocking other browsers and networks - Thanks again for listening


Making moves

seems to basically be microsoft rerouting us to thier partner sites such as google via SBM messaging and encrypted links

Making moves

Taking proactive steps, you secured your internet by scrutinizing and unlinking suspicious accounts from Google's Password Manager. After a dark web scan and thorough cleanup, you observed improved security. Deleting your Google account disrupted unauthorized access attempts, blocking scams and enhancing overall online safety.

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