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Improving Privacy with Firefox: The Next Steps

Making moves

As privacy becomes an increasingly important issue in the digital world, Firefox has always been a leader in protecting its users. However, with the rise of new privacy concerns such as data tracking and online surveillance, the community is discussing new ways Mozilla can enhance Firefox's privacy features.

Key Discussion Points:

-Stronger Tracking Protection: How can Firefox improve its current tracking protection settings? Are there additional features that could block even more types of tracking, such as device fingerprinting or cross-site tracking?

-Private Browsing Enhancements: Would it be useful to integrate a virtual private network (VPN) or other secure tunneling technologies directly into Firefox's private browsing mode?

-Mobile Privacy: Given the growing number of mobile users, what steps can Firefox take to further secure its mobile app experience? Could integrating features like mobile-specific ad-blockers improve user experience?

-Global Privacy Awareness: How can Firefox empower users globally to take control of their online privacy without overwhelming them with complexity?

Join the Discussion:

Mozilla has always encouraged transparency and user participation. Join the conversation and share your thoughts! How would you improve Firefox’s privacy features? What steps can Mozilla take to remain at the forefront of internet privacy?


Making moves

"-Private Browsing Enhancements: Would it be useful to integrate a virtual private network (VPN) or other secure tunneling technologies directly into Firefox's private browsing mode? "

This feature would be great! but is Firefox able to cover the cost?