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Firefox scrolling jumps in Facebook

Making moves

When scrolling posts on Facebook, there are random jumps up to 6 new posts forward. It is necessary to scroll back and look for the last displayed post (photo, video, txt). It looks like firefox doesn't remember the last displayed position before updating the cache. It is very annoying because there is always a flicker.

394 REPLIES 394

Familiar face

Me too in v 102.0.1 I reported this to FB, but now I see it happens in another site as well. The new material should be buffered instead of triggering the scroll.

Making moves

This has been going on for a very long time now, also on latest Windows build.

Making moves

Version 103 keeps the issue too, so...

Making moves

Same here, news feed is scrolling on its own

Making moves

Seems like a  lot of people having the same issue. Tried turning off autoscroll and putting FB in a container, no joy! This needs a bug fix.

Making moves

This has been happening to me to and it is irritating. I can scroll halfway down the page, and then it starts jumping  from one post to the next with out me scrolling, and it just keeps going.  I have to use Chrome or Edge now to look at Facebook.  This new version sucks.  

@phoenixfire870 wrote:

This new version sucks.  

Some people have tested this in older versions as far back as Firefox 78 and they still got the problem. So it seems that there is a more general incompatibility between Firefox and the updated technique Facebook scripts are using to autoload new content.

That said, I have not figured out how to trigger the problem on my news feed ("home page"). Does it occur more on other pages?

For reference, the two methods I use for scrolling are:

  • Using the mouse wheel, with the mouse pointer positioned over the center column (doesn't work when it's positioned over the messenger/chat list)
  • Using the j keyboard shortcut (the "next story" shortcut)

(I can't be bother to move the mouse all the way over to the scroll bar.)

It only happens on my computer and my Kindle, but not my Phone.  I use a mouse wheel to scroll, and as soon as I move my cursor down to the bottom of a page after scrolling maybe a third of the way down the page, it will start reloading and reloading and reloading without stopping. I can't stop it by clicking on the scroll bar.


Making moves

This doesn't happen on firefox developer version.  So hopefully it is fixed in a future release.

Making moves

The issue is fixed in Firefox 103 that was released yesterday.  Thanks devs!

I have 103.0.2 and it's still doing it!


104 still has the same problem so they have not fix it yet.

105.0.1 and STILL the same... WTF FF?


im on 113.0.1 and still going 😕


also with 104 the problem is here

worse for me


No it isn't fixed. In fact, it's even worse!


Making moves

@Piesang: Even though i've had 103 for a couple of days (Stable version btw) it still had the issue.

The issue must've come from FB itself because right now, for now, it has been solved...

Familiar face

In v 103 an improvement, but it does not completely resolve the issue. Screen flickers, but the feed doesn't scroll the way it did. Sometimes it refocuses on the same topic, but often the feed jumps down a bit, maybe one to three items. BTW, I'm using the finger-scroll action on a magic mouse, FWIW. Don't know whether adjusting the speed of the mouse action would help.

Oh no! It broke again!

Making moves

I noticed that when left clicking on the screen to activate the scroll by mouse button it reloads even more rapidly and further. Finally, it has to be a Mozilla/FB problem because it doesn't happen when scrolling through twitter.

Making moves

Getting better with 103.0 but still jumps. Does not "run away" anymore

Mine is actually worse with 103


Making moves

I'm done. There is no point in me keeping Firefox with this nonsense. Going back to Chrome full time.

Making moves

Wow! That's kind of harsh. I've been a loyal FF user for years. I also subscribe to their VPN. Is this bug annoying? Yes! Am I going to jump ship because after all these years there's an incompatibility that needs to be resolved? No.  I have faith that FF developers will get a handle on it.

I don't.  It's been known now for well over a year and not addressed or even hinted at being addressed. I'm finally fed up enough to ditch FF for something else that I can find that shows it gets support to it's users.

Making moves

With 103.0 FB doesn't jump for me anymore 😀👌

What platform? And give it time.

Making moves

Windows 10. And looks like i was happy too early, I restarted pc and... it still jumps, but slightly different way hahaha 😂🤣

Making moves

I'm experiencing something different now, Firefox 103.0 on Windows 10 Pro: for few seconds after opening FB posts are flashing and dissapearing in the News Feed

Making moves

Check video i uploaded to YT

Making moves

Firefox is still not working correctly on Facebook

Making moves

I'm on version 103.0 for Firefox and I'm still having the issue with Facebook


Making moves

103.1 doesn't fix it either


Making moves

Beim Scrollen Facebook springen die Bilder und Seite.

Making moves

I believe there have been two Firefox updates since I, and others reported what I call the random "Jump Scrolling" on Facebook.  The problem remains.  Mozilla Firefox has long been my default browser, but for the past couple weeks, I have opened Facebook in MS Edge. This needs to be fixed.

George Butch
Plantation, FL

Hi George, there is a bug on file about this. Not sure whether the resolution will involve Mozilla asking Facebook to change their content autoloading script, or a fix in a future version of Firefox (unfortunately versions as far back as 78 are affected by the problem).

Making moves

The issue seems to be gone now and it's part of FB's fault. FF 103.0.1 here.

I haven't been on Facebook yet today, but late last night I was still having the problem.  Some days it has been worse than others, and it became very bad last night.  The farther down I scroll, the worse the issue becomes.  I also am running FF 103.0.1.