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Firefox 132.0

Making moves

Why on God's green Earth did Mozilla think it would be a good idea to permanently force its users to look at the "What's New in Firefox" page every time the browser launches? I have tried everything I could find online to kill this page. I do not want this page, I want my good old blank home page to come up when I launch the browser. I do not want TWO tabs to open, I only want one. MINE! If you do not fix this I will be forced to change to Opera as my default browser. I already have it installed on my PC as back up, but if this is how you are going to treat your customers, like children that need to be reminded every time of what is new, then I will be done with Firefox. FIX IT!!




PostUpdatePage ?

Firefox policies

Override the upgrade page. If the value is an empty string (“”), no extra pages are displayed when Firefox is upgraded.

If you want to try policies.json

The Enterprise Policy Generator helps to create the configuration file

Override the post-update “What's New” page. Set this policy to blank if you want to disable the post-update page.

  "policies": {
    "OverridePostUpdatePage": ""

Your browser is being managed by your organization.

1.pngInformation page

Enterprise Policies: This shows you if your browser is being managed by Windows Group Policy or a policies.json file. If enterprise policies are managing Firefox, clicking on Active will show you a list of the policies that are currently active on Firefox.

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