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Fiew futures who not work on Android FF when you use bluetooth keyboard. And some other UPGRADE.

Making moves

Hi! Last time i test my bluetooth keyboard with my tablet keyboard Keychron K14 have mac na windows mode im from Poland then for my font like ąęłżćńś... and more i also change querty to android is keyboard option on Android 13.

What not work for me in firefox is just disaster. I cant use ctrl + L to jump url adress not mater tablet or pc version. I cant use ctrl+F for looking text and Apostrophe > '  for fast jump to link. And thats why im here becouse without that i cant use keyboard on tablet without touching screen. Please add this future for Android FF.

Another what will be great is add full screen mode in menu same like in Opera. you not need URL bar when you use bluetooth keyboard becouse still you can use ctrl +L

And last please add 3 finger gesture left and right on tablet screen to change tabs prev a and next without using URL bar, maybe on phone is ok but on tablet much better is just put 2 or 3 finger on screen and swap tab so ez.

And YES i try tablet and PC mode on Android. Nothing help.

This is all thanks and cheers from Poland.



Making moves

I just received the "Combined Android Toolbar and Menu Experiment" and had to switch myself back to the control group. I really don't like losing the vertical space from the new "double-height" toolbar. I understand it autohides but I prefer the more compact display that emphasizes the web content I'm trying to view.

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