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Existing ideas

Making moves

What happened to the previous ideas? I can't find them.



The earlier email mentioned that they would be "archived" which I guess means "not migrated." Since the old ones are still available, I guess their authors could re-submit them here while they are still available on for ease of copy/paste.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the quick reply, @jscher2000! That is correct. The previous ideas are still on Crowdicity, so we can properly review and archive everything there. We had initially planned for a migration, but that proved too complicated as the platforms are so different from one another—there would have been a tricky reconciliation process and some content would have been lost in the move.

Making moves

This is a bummer, but I get it. Still left wondering, though, if an alternative solution being considered? For example:

  • Put a prominent link in the sidebar or at the top of the Ideas section here on noting that old activity is archived there.
  • "Migrate" only certain things like reputation.
  • If a user on had activity in Crowdcity, show a special link on their Connect profile and/or a special badge on their avatar.
  • "Manually" migrate items from Crowdcity that meet a certain threshold, e.g., a certain number of votes or comments. The idea here is too keep the number of items to migrate more manageable.
  • Allow users to migrate their own items, similar to what @jscher2000 was suggesting, but have a means or standard to let them copy over the comments and votes also. (This might also require moderation.)

I don't know if these ideas are feasible, but I'm just throwing them out there to illustrate that there may be a "better than nothing" alternative. 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, yea most of the popular ideas have been migrated over by community members to keep the conversation going—some have even included a link to the previous post. The special badge is a good idea that we're currently exploring. Just need to figure out the most efficient and accurate way to award those.

Making moves

Cool. Can you point to a good example of an idea that has been migrated, one with a link? I'd like to get a sense of what an ideal manually-migrated item looks like!


I did it with my highly upvoted idea like this:
Full controls for Picture in Picture window

I had another idea in Crowdicity about tab previews, but this guy managed to put this idea here before me:
More tab detail (eg preview/URL).
So I just added a comment with link to the Crowdicity post.

Didn't do it for ideas that sank though.

Making moves

Hi, I wanted to find again an idea I posted a couple of years ago on but it seems that the website is down and has been for a while. Was all this content archived somewhere?

Familiar face

As I understand, this platform also doesn't show posts that are currently on moderation on profile page? For me it only shows "N posts" but "No posts to display"

Community Manager
Community Manager

Correct. Posts in the Ideas forum go through an initial moderation to make sure they adhere to the Ideas Guidelines before being visible. I think yours is up now. Let me know if anything else is missing.

Yes, moderation is nice, I just thought, that there would be a tab or a panel like Drafts, to see my posts that haven't been published yet. You know, to re-review them again, add something I could forget. I guess I'll use bookmarks for this.

@steel835 wrote:

Yes, moderation is nice, I just thought, that there would be a tab or a panel like Drafts, to see my posts that haven't been published yet. You know, to re-review them again, add something I could forget. I guess I'll use bookmarks for this.

Or revisit them after they show up in Subscriptions?

Well, they show up in subscriptions, they also show up in Posts tab in your profile anyway, which is more convenient.

I was talking about the 'overthinking' aspect: when you still think about the post and its content, while it's not moderated yet. And actually, there is a page that shows these posts and allows to make edits before it's moderated, though the link that leads there only exists in an alert that is shown when you just posted it (but the page always exists): (see ideas tab)

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