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Correct userChrome script to alter context menu padding

Making moves

seeing as I don't really like to *hi-jack* another posting I've started a fresh post....

I'm need of some tutoring on the same basic script text, where the popup menus are concerned what script does one enter to pad the script for all of the popup menus but NOT the bookmarks menu?

Currently my bookmarks menu displays the script properly padded to the right where they need to be in order to allow the needed left margin for the icons that are already there.

But all of the smaller popup menus currently display the script padded right up against the left margin, no padded space at all *note that there currently are no icons in there*.

Where the script that I currently have entered into userChrome is concerned if a padding *xx*px entry is entered ALL of the menus move the script including the Bookmarks menu which doesn't need any padding at all. How does the wording of the particular script need to be entered to omit altering the bookmarks menu?

here's what is presently in the userChrome file

menupopup {
--panel-padding: 2 !important;

@media (-moz-platform: windows) {

> menu,
> menuitem {
padding-inline-start: 2px !important;


if I make a change to the *2px* to such as 20px then Everything menu related gets shifted including the bookmarks menu.


Firefox 128 popup menu padding issue.jpg


Making moves

I still haven't been able to *create* the proper script to achieve what I'm looking for..the text element in all of the browser context menus are out of position with exception of the bookmarks menu


*in the below attached pic one can see the script is right up against the left margin*

menuitem#menu_popupShowALL {

padding-left: 26px !important;


the above script is incorrect!   this is my thought on how it must's wrong

below IS the correct script to shift the 3 uppermost text directory entries in the bookmarks context menu to properly align them with everything below them.

/* Firefox userChrome.css */

menuitem#bookmarksShowAll {
padding-left: 26px !important;

menuitem#menu_bookmarkAllTabs {

padding-left: 26px !important;


so what do I correctly write for all of the other context menus to pad the element script away from the margin? This is so frustrating......