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Automatic Discerning Between English As Second Language and Native Chinese Location

Making moves

Just a thought, the phenomes implemented to represent certain written English vowels (short, long, dipthong) that are used by (for example) Chinese from Hong Kong and those used by Chinese from Mainland China are significantly and consistently disparate.

"Hot" is pronounced like the UK English-speakers do by those from Hong Kong.

"Hot" is pronounced like the American English-speakers do by those from Mainland China.

Prepare for a moment of "Omne Ignotum Pro Magnifico" when you read the reason why:

UK English Speakers pervaded Hong-Kong until the transfer of the territory to mainland China, but the linguistic habits persist.

Mainland China is saturated with American English speaking English teachers for the youth.  Due primarily to the myriad "opportunities" that young Americans are offered as compared with almost every other geographic region.


Just a thought.


Jeffrey S Porter