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About the New Sidebar

Making moves

First of all, i want to say that I'm using Firefox Nightly because in the computer where I'm taking the screenshots my Firefox Stable doesn't have the new sidebar option.

Ok, time ago I saw this new sidebar on the Nighly version and I thougth, "this is nice, needs to be polished but looks good". Yesterday I saw the new sidebar on one of my computers in the stable Firefox version and I want to share my experience.

The fist thing is possitive, I don't like sidebars so i went to settings and clicked on change the sidebar button to make the sidebar appear or dissapear, then I deleted the button from the menu because I want going to use the sidebar.

Until now all it's fine, but then I hitted CTRL + H to open my history and this showed up, a new history menu:


I looked at if from different screens, you may think that it's because the size of the screenshot, but just look at the three dots, they are ok, but the bar and it's hover is pixelized and for some reason isn't centered, what is more, if i hover the three dots the hover effects from the bar and the dots overlap.


So I thought to myself, "this is awful, I'm closing it", and I hitted again CTRL + H to close the history and this happened:


For some reason, when I close the history (in the cross button or with shortcut) the bar stays there instead of hiding again, and guess what, I removed the sidebar button from the menu because I don't use sidebars, so now i have to put it there again to hide the sidebar that appeared when I wanted to see the history.

So I had to go to about:config to get rid of this.

I don't know, just feels like you throw this new feature to production without even testing the most basic functionality (see the history).

I wanted to upload a gif to get you to see the experience with me, but the connect website got all buggy and started throwing "unabe to complete the action you requested.". I guess it's to mantain the motto.