Making moves
since ‎08-23-2022

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  • 14 Posts
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I tried to analyse the audio source of the following podcast:https://www.ksta.de/podcast/talk-mit-k/agnes-strack-zimmermann-ueber-moeglichen-angriff-putins-auf-deutschland-das-muss-man-ihm-einfach-zutrauen-744993Yet, the Network tab does not show any...
Current SituationCurrently, whenever I open Outlook Online, all of a sudden, a Firefox notification bar pops up at the top, requesting me to make Firefox the default e-mail handler for Outlook Online:This is very much annoying, because it shifts down...
Current SituationCurrently, whenever I open Outlook Online, all of a sudden, a Firefox notification bar pops up at the top, requesting me to make Firefox the default e-mail handler for Outlook Online: This is very much annoying, because it shifts dow...
It's very hard for me to tell if a Firefox window is active or not. So, I often find myself typing into an input box, but nothing happens.This is because Firefox fails to adhere to the Microsoft Windows style guide by not using the Windows active cap...
Currently, there is only a single Private Browsing session available. All Private Browsing tabs and windows share the same set of cookies etc.For web programming E2E testing it would be very beneficial to be able to have multiple Private Browsing ses...
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