Some times I close windows that I wish reopen later. Please add to the contextual menu of a tab the option "Reopen closed window". Just below the option "Reopen closed tab".
(A) Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N (on Mac, Command+Shift+N) to reopen the last closed window
(B) History menu > Recently Closed Windows
The History menu is available either from the main menu button at the right end of the main toolbar, or the top menu bar (optional on Windows -- tap the Alt key or F10 key to reveal).
If I close my inbox window (in Mac Osx 10.14 / TBird v.115.16.0esr) I HAVE TO quit the app and then re start it. And this is the latest version of TBird I can run under OSx 10.14.6
There is NO listed option in the File or View or Tools or Window pull down menus to re-open the Inbox window. And none of the listed keyboard shortcuts work either. This has been an ongoing issue for years now and I kept expecting this VERY BASIC ISSUE to be addressed and 'fixed'.
Why is this still an issue?
Why isn't there an Open Closed Windows option (or equivalent)?