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New member
Status: New idea

One of the things we battle as an email provider, as well as a user, is people collecting messages in their IMAP folders and running out of space.  Prime example is the Sent folder, but other folders too.  I wish there was a way to tell Thunderbird to move emails older than a certain age to a designated folder on the Local Folders.  The logic used in the Folder Retention settings is perfect, we just need to be able to change the action from Delete, to Move to [Folder] on Local Folders.  This way I can have access to the recent Sent messages on my phone, and all my Sent messages in Thunderbird on my main computer.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I have a similar wish related to mailing-list email.

I have filter rules set up to move mailing-list email (for a number of mailing lists) to a local folder (one for each mailing list).  I can deal with that email on my main computer, without it cluttering up either the IMAP server or my phone.

This is clunky... the mailing-list folders in 'Local Folders' are far removed from the inbox, and the contents of the mailing-list folders are dissociated from the account, so delete, junk and archive throw stuff into the one Local Folder Trash, Junk and Archive folder.

My first suggestion is to allow an inbox/account folder to be marked "Remove from Server".  This would act much like a Local Folder, but still be associated with the inbox/account.  The OP suggested extension to the 'Retention Policy' could then move messages to a folder in the inbox/account, rather than into a Local Folder (far removed).

My second suggestion is a variation on the OP suggestion.  Suppose the 'Retention Policy' was extended to have:

     O Remove from Server all but the most recent [9999] messages

     O Remove from Server messages more than [999] days old

     O Remove from Server immediately

This would do what the OP needs, but without needing a separate Local Folder.  It would do what I would like, but more flexibly -- removing stuff from the server after a few days would allow me to see recent mailing list email on my phone.