Bylo by mozne k naseptavani pridat moznost vlastniho serazovani vysledku? Nebo, pripadne nejake vlastni ovladani, ne, co mi vnucuje jakysi autor, co pouziva prohlizec jinak nez ja. Kdyz mam zaskrtnute Historii, Zalozky, Panely. Vetsinou, kdyz programuji, tak mne zajimaji posledni otevrene stranky, serazeni podle historie/datum. Ale, on mi naseptava nejcasteji pouzivane stranky, coz je mi uplne k nicemu. Kdysi to tak fungovalo, nevim, kdo to rozvrtal a uz min 10 let mi to jde desne na nervy, pac musim rucne dohledavat adresy nebo si je pamatovat...
Would it be possible to add the possibility of customizing the result to the questioning? Or, possibly some custom control, no, what is imposed on me by some author who uses a different browser than I do. When I have checked History, Bookmarks, Panels. Most of the time, when I'm programming, I'm interested in the last opened pages, sorted by history/date. But, he tells me the most frequently used sites, which is very useful for me. It used to work that way, I don't know who drilled it and it's been annoying me for at least 10 years now, I have to look up addresses manually or remember them...
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