Hi. Can you use normal setting for opened TB tabs?
I can see new message as red point in right side. Not new windows share. And too, can see opened program on in right side.
In settings, i can set only: - normal win, opened program in icon + program win tabs (new message, opened mesages in new window) - or hide opened program in icon, but show in right side + program win tabs this is about checkbox TB - Nastaveni - Obecne - [x] pri minimalizaci TB ho presunout do oznamovaci oblasti TB - Nastaveni - Obecne - prichozi posta [x] zobrazovat upozorneni [ ] pouzit systemova nastaveni (none, i not need show detail new message, not need send data for windows messager) i need only passive red point on icon in left menu or right. Sometime i look, see red point, read message. Other animation its so disturbing, lose concentration in any work. Any motion in jungle = lion, run to safe. New message is not lion. may be for some type of work job, not for my. i can check it too in 20 min interval. Or something do abou 90 min, then check mail.
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