A long time ago...
I used to keep track of tasks using 3x5 cards and a spring clip. Similar to Thunderbird tasks, I had a due date, Title, Notes, critical things, costs, etc. Professionally, I'm a lead engineer, not a manager.
What I could do with the 3x5 deck is rearrange each task/project card in the order that represented current project priorities. This wasn't a matter of “setting” priority, I would physically reorder the deck, effectively changing progression through the deck. This way priority, long lead items, and dependencies were addressed with a “simple” reordering of the deck.
I'd like to do the same with the Thunderbird Task list. Think of each line item as a 3×5 card with task information, and let me drag-n-drop the tasks (3×5 cards) as things continue to change in the project(s). This way I can change things after discussion with peers and fine tune with management.
I'd find the 3×5 card approach more useful and less effort to maintain my task list as things complete and are discussed.
Can something like this be done?
This little thing at the bottom of the page says it rather well…
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