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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and itโ€™s there to see if itโ€™s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and weโ€™re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether itโ€™s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,728 REPLIES 3,728

I did! Watching the comments pour in after I commented there seemed to be a lot of (new user) tags so, a lot of us?

Same here, yeah. I've never used mozilla forums or whatever this is before. JUST joined to comment on this absurdity.

Making moves

Please don't.

Making moves

I cancelled my recurring monthly donation over the Privacy Preserving Attribution fiasco. I guess now I will find another browser.

Making moves

Right now, the last thing I would want to see in this web browser is generative AI support. These systems are connected to a widespread power & water consumption that's far greater than what the people consume on their own. And the AI is only capable of processing regurgitating information, which takes the fun out of reading things.

Knock it off. I never wanna see another piece of garbage like this ever again.


Making moves

Please do not fully implement this; no one likes AI "features", and if they do their opinion is not worth the air it took to speak it. As with other company's so-called "helpful" AI "features", this will only fail catastrophically, and does no good whatsoever. AI is not needed! You are actively driving away users from using your service by implementing this at all, even if it's an optional experiment right now.

If Firefox implements this fully I will be deleting it from my computer and mobile device. I'm totally fine with switching to some other search engine if this one starts being just as horrible as any other one.

wow I was completely incoherent, but my message is still the same: no AI, or else I fly (as in leave)

Making moves


Making moves

I do not want to add any AI to my browser. I've been using Firefox for over 20 years and love Mozilla but please do not jump on the AI bandwagon. I know it's the new hotness in the tech industry but it's a scam and we don't need it.

Making moves

If "AI" is added to Firefox, I will simply never use the Internet again. It is absolutely polluted with this stuff and is slowly becoming unusable. Please abandon this.

Making moves

Please keep this optional and opt-in. I respect that you want to experiment in this space, but I would personally  switch to another browser if it becomes a permanent feature, or one where we're automatically opted in. Just seeing how Google search has declined over the past few months is proof enough to me that AI is a nightmare when it comes to providing accurate, useful information. And AI chatbots have an awful environmental impact that I don't at all feel comfortable contributing to. I really hope Firefox keeps the energy waste piece in mind if/when you consider scaling this experiment up.

Making moves

Don't do the โ€œShow prompts on text selectโ€ thing.

We have a context menu. That's where actions on selections go. Don't add another, more intrusive UI; it'll just have to be the subject of a consolidation/cleanup project later.

Making moves

The final nails in the coffin of the last good browser. Never trust anyone in tech; they'll always sell you out.

Making moves

Do not add AI to Firefox

Making moves

NO AI in firefox please!!! DO NOT WANT.

Making moves


I am a 10 year user of Mozilla Firefox as my primary browser and system admin deploying it to enterprise environments. I loved your browser when it was good when it was bad and in between and there have been a few rough patches literally ;). 

I've had a rather rough user experience in 2024 using Firefox on various Linux distro's more so than years previous. Adding features like optional AI when nobody, literally nobody, asked for it instead of focusing on other issues like stability, security, and privacy is a poor decision in my opinion. I understand my opinion is just one tiny stat in your giant pool of users thank you for providing this forum and other methods for feedback. I hope you genuinely track some sentiment metrics for this feature. Please do your due diligence to listen feedback for those willing to give it a try and do not live in an echo chamber of wherever or whomever is pushing AI AI AI. 

After 10 years I'm sorry to say Firefox is no longer my main browser and it won't be default on any of my administrated networks. I will be boycotting your product which I payed 0 dollars for until I see some positive change. 

-Sent from NOT FIREFOX

Making moves

Please don't. That kind of synthesis algorithm makes the entire internet harder to use, because it becomes necessary to filter out hallucinated content (and too many people assume that the unmarked generated content is real, which in many cases can be outright dangerous).

If you do proceed with this, it would be wise to add a disclaimer and a non-removable watermark onto anything the algorithm spits out, so that it can be easily identified as being machine synthesized. We are already dealing with too great an increase of misinformation coming from other irresponsible AI experiments.

Misinformation coming from people can be traced to a specific source, and that context examined for credibility. Meanwhile, too many people are far too willing to trust what comes out of a machine that doesn't have the ability to understand what it is spitting out. The current trend of "AI" synthesis that many companies are participating in is ill-thought out and irresponsible. Please reconsider participating in this at all.

Making moves

It's a no from me, dawg. AI integration threatens the artistry and innovation of the human act of creation. No to AI!!

Making moves

Hey there, I wanted to say that this is a terrible idea. A lot of people use Fire Fox to get away from AI and this would leave Fire Fox users nowhere else to go, please reconsider this choice. Thank you for your time.

Not to mention, AI takes so much electricity and water from the evironment, which I know is something Mozilla would NOT stand for. As a company, you preach privacy and safety for users, by adding AI you take that away.

We may just be thousands of angry, normal, every day people compared to Mozilla as a company, but we're mad because you promised something and now you are ripping it from under us like Google and Microsoft did. You guys at Mozilla said you would protect our privacy and respect it here, and it doesn't seem like you are living up to that promise. Don't add AI to Fire Fox at all, it breaks the promise you made to keep users safe.

I honestly canโ€™t understand this thread. Why are people complaining about AI in Firefox? Whoโ€™s forcing you to use it? I like it because the browser lets you implement AI your own way. You can even use your local model. You can enable or disable it entirely, no one is forcing anyone to use it.

If you donโ€™t like this feature, just leave it off. Itโ€™s like any other feature in a browser or software.

This is like complaining about an adblocker: "Hey, I donโ€™t want this adblocker in my browser." Well, great! Whoโ€™s stopping you from uninstalling it or just deciding not to use it?

This thread is frustrating and completely out of line, it could be described as "I oppose the current thing" for no real reason.

Ad blockers don't rely on intellectual property theft and/or environmental degradation in order to function.

AI is guilty on both counts. AI results, furthermore, are also notoriously unreliable.

Your comment is frustrating and out of line, and supports AI garbage being implemented into Firefox for no real reason.

Making moves

It's a stupid fad that is built on a industrial scale copyright infringement and violates all of the norms and values that the internet is based on, and it is helping destroy the internet by clogging it up with worthless spam.

There's something horribly rotten inside any organization that sees these things as part of their future.

I agree with you on this, not to mention that AI also takes a STUPID amount of resources to generate stuff and companies don't care that they are basically killing the people that support them

Making moves

Adding built-in AI features would just make you look more like all the Chromium browsers and drive away the people who use Firefox specifically because it's different from them. If people really want AI, they can go to any one of the many AI websites or install an extension. It is unnecessary to add it into the browser itself.

I use Firefox currently, in part, because it doesn't have AI built in. I would rather that not change.

Making moves

please do not. I like to use my water to drink and to bathe.

Making moves

Part of the reason I switched to Firefox (from Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome) was to get away from all the little AI things worming themselves into every crevice of online life. We don't want it. We don't need it. And frankly this is a huge disappointment. I expected better of this company. Be smart, and stop worrying about being "current" and on top of "the next big thing!" in tech. It's not novel and fun anymore. Honestly, the truly novel thing to do would be to NOT implement anything with AI! Because it's one of the things that sets you apart from everyone else, and you WILL lose people if you keep heading this direction.

Making moves

I am deeply disappointed that this is even being considered. I made the switch to Firefox from Chrome a few years back with confidence and with relief, believing that my browser experience would be better and safer. And I was right! I've really loved using Firefox and have recommended it to friends in the past, especially recently with Chrome/Google going down the toilet in quality.

However, if AI is implemented I will not hesitate to jump ship. AI is environmentally destructive and wasteful, has enabled a lot of art theft and copyright infringement, and has been shown to make search engines just plain worse (see Google's recent switch to AI, and the proliferation of misinformation on that platform thanks to the switch).

Mozilla: I turned to you for quality, and I've had quality! Don't throw that away by chasing a trend that makes your product worse. What sets you apart from other browsers is what makes you great!

Making moves

Google is unusable because of AI. Please do not go forward with this.

Making moves

Absolutelly never, get that machine out of our browser. We're here to escape Chrome as well as AI, not fall into it again.

Making moves

PLEASE NO AI. Iโ€™m so sick of AI, please. I switched to firefox to AVOID googleโ€™s AI. 

Well, I like it because you can even use your local models. In the end, if you donโ€™t like AI, just keep the checkbox off. Isnโ€™t that simple? Just donโ€™t enable the features you donโ€™t want to use.

It's not as easy as "just don't use it bro", this machine leeches off of pre-existing fuctions and we CAN'T turn it off nor can't we not contribute to the database.

Tell us you don't understand how AI works without telling us you don't understand how AI works...

Making moves

I absolutely love this! I donโ€™t need to copy and paste text from one tab to another and then "Summarize XYZ." I can just select the text and click!

You can already not have to copy and paste (oh the horror) just by using any of the umpty other browsers that have AI garbage in them.

Let Mozilla keep Firefox pure for the rest of us, and faff off to some other browser if you (rolling my eyes) can't live without an AI "assistant" built into yours.

Making moves

Could you add a generic UI, like maybe OpenWebUI that allows you to interface with your own custom endpoints, either hosted on the internet or locally through Ollama for example?

Making moves

Do not add AI to Firefox.

Making moves

This is the first time I have ever responded to a Firefox feature discussion, and it's to say that as an ordinary user and someone who's very much supported Firefox and encouraged people to use it over the years, I really enormously don't want large language model content integrated into my Firefox browser and these announcements have had me looking at alternatives for the first time in years. The environmental impact of these systems is absolutely excessive and their outputs are dangerously unreliable.

Making moves

We all use firefox because it doesn't do the same things other browsers do. They aren't supposed to be sellouts. I trust firefox. Going the AI route, as every thing is going nowadays is a mistake. The people don't want this. Firefox users do not want this. Please don't do it.