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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and itโ€™s there to see if itโ€™s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and weโ€™re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether itโ€™s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,728 REPLIES 3,728

Making moves

Hi! Please don't do this!

Making moves

Please don't, the lack of AI is one of the main reasons I made the jump to firefox.

Making moves

As an information and knowledge management professional I recommend people use Firefox as their browser over other offerings and suggest it is worth contributing financially to the maintenance and development of Firefox. As evidenced by initiatives such as this, Mozilla seems intent on making it so that I (and others like me) will no longer do so.

Making moves

please donโ€™t.

no oneโ€™s asking for it, we all want it gone already.

Making moves

If we're copying other tech companies, copy the Opera tab stacking, not this AI **bleep**.

Making moves

Knock it the **bleep** off. Have you not seen the catastrophic feedback to everything else adding AI slop to their programs?

Making moves

I switched to Firefox recently to avoid the AI creeping into Chrome. If it makes its way here too, I'll leave just as quickly agaub,

Making moves

is there a reason companies see other companies losing customers/users because of certain features and then go "we should do that too!" Are you all masochists? Do you crave bankruptcy? What is going on here.

No. No AI. thanks.

Making moves

Please do not add AI. It will only make things worse.

Making moves

Im fine with General use of of ai, but i think Generative ai of any sort should be likely left out of a brower due to its inability to understand truth.

Making moves

I don't see what use it could provide that the searchbar in settings or an extension cannot. It's reductive and overall not worth integrating or considering turning on.

Making moves

Hi, please do not add AI functions to firefox. In addition to being rife with misinformation and plagiarism, AI is also generally very bad for the environment. Please reconsider this addition and drop AI entirely. Thank you.

Making moves

When I learned Mozilla embedded AI into Firefox, I was FURIOUS. I'm STILL furious. I've been a Firefox user since 2011, but if Mozilla doesn't remove the LLM slop from Firefox, I WILL find an alternative, and so will everyone I know. The steep environmental and ethical costs associated with so-called "AI" are in no way shape or form justified by the programs' underwhelming utility, and I'm disheartened to see Firefox jumping on this overhyped, underbaked, morally repugnant bandwagon.

In short: GET RID OF IT.

You could consider switching to Vivaldi. They have taken a stance against using "ai" in the browser.

It's Chromium based, and the Chromium browser dominance can be seen as an issue.

Making moves

Please do not implement this. It goes against everything Firefox should stand for. There is no way using mass scraping of data promotes privacy. Generative ai has no ethical form nor practical use as it is full of stolen work and presents incorrect information as fact. Please please please do not add ai in any form even if we can opt out it is terrible all around. Don't fall for the trend of unethical tech be better! 

Chatbots are horrible, and cause high blood pressure.

But an LLM, nor calling it "ai", summarizing search results can be usefull.

Making moves

I've been a dedicated Firefox user for over a decade. Not interested in any AI features!

Consider switching to Vivaldi. They are against integrating "ai" in their browser.

Making moves

Hello! Please don't implement AI! Thank you!

Making moves

There should not be any reason at all to be adding AI to Firefox. The browser should remain simple and private as it was supposed to be intended from the start. Not only is it a security risk, it's an unnecessary feature that would only serve to bloat the browser, opt-in or not. No one needs this and those concerned with privacy don't want it either. This is a browser that should be avoiding the terrible garbage of AI integration other browsers have. It feels like a gross violation of privacy to even have in in the browser, enabled or not. AI has no place in the browser, and it should stay out of the browser. The entire feature needs to be shot down before it can get any further. Further pushing this will inevitably shoot Firefox in the foot and cause a massive decrease in users, as these users value their privacy over any "conveniences" AI could possibly provide.

In short, absolutely not, there is not a singular reason anyone reasonable could think of to support the use of AI in Firefox, and many, many reasons against AI being in Firefox.

Making moves

Please Don't.

Making moves

Please No

Making moves


Making moves

AI is pointless and garbage for the environment!! Firefox does not need AI!!!

Making moves

I'll say this as clear as I can:  F*ck this bullsh!t.

Fix the issues that your community has been requesting and voting on for years instead of building stupid AI crap that nobody has asked for.

Making moves

Please no AI on Firefox. Keep it simple, fast ans reliable. With AI content, we can't trust it anymore

Making moves

Please DO NOT ADD IN AI. I trust Firefox as my browser, but if this goes through I will be looking at other options for browsers.

Making moves

I have never asked for ai features nor do i want any ai features in any product, device, or servicce that i use. I am staunchly against ai in all commercial forms and believe that the power used should go towards more productive medical and engineering. Ai for the layman is nothing but a toy and another way to collect data and cause more unwanted spam to fill up inboxes at best, and an active endagerment to peoples personal health and well being at worst. Do not implement this as i will find any and every way to decouple it from the browser. Thank you, dont implement any of it, and have a nice day.

Making moves

I believe that AI is not constructed in a way that will assist your endeavours or work so I'd recommend not implementing it to firefox.

Making moves

NOOOO i will literally switch to another browser if u do this

Making moves

Don't do that please. Please.

Making moves

for the love of god all that is holy good and or bringing joy into the world do not add ai anything to the strongest reaches of your power to anything in this program. your name is built from doing what competitors or monopolies you compete with do not or cannot. that is namely privacy and good business practices. this will be going against both of those things while torpedoing user experience. those THREE things i'm sure someone else could do better should you choose this path, and I will already be looking into alternatives since user feedback rarely changes anything regarding this issue. soooooo unfortunate to hear this!!!!!!

Making moves

oh god PLEASE do not, AI is a terrible thing that eats energy and poops pollution and adds nothing beneficial in the meanwhile. AI as it currently exists is nothing but a bias machine built on a mountain of stolen works, we don't like it and we don't need it and on top of ALL of that it's actively making every product that adopts it worse at whatever the product does AND at protecting user privacy.

Making moves

I literally fled chromium-browsers to avoid this **bleep** and now you too?!?!??!

Making moves


Making moves

The use of the term "AI" for large language models is something that irks me- it is deceptive by association. What is going to be the plan for liability the first time someone poisons themselves based on misinformation the 'AI' spits out? The moral culpability? Equipping the browser with a tool as unreliable as the current state of "AI" is irresponsible. There is no algorithm for truth, to quote Tom Scott, who might've been quoting someone else, now that i think about it. If Firefox absolutely wants to play with LLM's, don't integrate it into the browser, but make it a separate, preferably not-included-by-default, program. I think a well-functioning LLM app that isn't a privacy nightmare could be something people might actually want.

Making moves

Please dont do that

Making moves

I would prefer not to have the AI features. They do not add useful functionality.

Making moves

Don't **bleep**ing bring AI onto Firefox for **bleep**s sake!

Making moves

Please, please donโ€™t implement this; whatever benefits are hoped for cannot be worth the power demands of AI