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Forum posts

Mozilla Connect Weekly Recap: Top-Voted Ideas (2/7-2/14)

Hey all, Welcome to another Weekly Recap here in the Mozilla Connect community! This post will highlight the top 10 most-voted ideas for the previous week (2/7-2/14). While some are ‘new ideas’ and others are already ‘in review’ (learn more about Th...

Jon by Community Manager
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  • 1 kudos

AI Chatbot, at your service

Tired of constantly switching tabs and copy-pasting content to your favorite AI provider? Us too. That’s why, after an initial soft launch, we’re gradually rolling out the AI Chatbot access to everyone. You can find it in Settings > Firefox Labs or r...

Jolie by Employee
  • 17 replies
  • 10 kudos

Firefox Blocks IP Addresses: Tell Us What This Means To You!

In response to day, Firefox Nightly version 131 had introduced a new security measure: blocking access to addresses. This change is currently live for Nightly users and will be gradually rolled out to all release use...

smayya by Employee
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  • 5 kudos

Try out Firefox Profiles in Nightly

Hi, all y’all! Profile management for Firefox desktop is now on by default in the current version of Nightly. This feature allows you to separate and easily switch between aspects of your online life to improve your efficiency, privacy, and focus. ...

KimB by Employee
  • 35 replies
  • 20 kudos

Let’s Shape the Future of Firefox Mobile — Together! 🛠️

️Hello Firefox Community! We've been listening closely to your feedback here on Connect, and we understand that the recent updates to the toolbar and menu on Firefox for Mobile (iOS & Android) have sparked discussions about wanting easy access to the...

apandya by Employee
  • 61 replies
  • 26 kudos

Sidebar and vertical tabs: release channel experimentation

Hi folks,  Over the next couple of months, we will be testing an updated sidebar, its tools, and vertical tabs in the release version of Firefox (remember, a while back, we asked you to try it out in Nightly 131, and we appreciated your feedback and ...

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asafko by Employee
  • 145 replies
  • 33 kudos

mozila are neo nazi

mozilla are neo-nazis because they commit nazi acts. mozilla is the enemy of the free Internet and humanity. You must return yandex search. nazis should be judged


The IRS website for refund information is not working on Firefox on Windows 11:https://sa.www4.irs.gov/irfof/lang/en/irfofgetstatus.jspThe website does work on Safari on my iPhone.Any suggestions?

elisegev by Making moves
  • 2 replies
  • 0 kudos


Пидорасы вы зашоренные!!! Вроде програмёры должны быть продвинутыми в плане информации. ....А это просто лошары .... Яндекс рулит.....Идите нахуй дорогие нетоварищи.


Браво !!! удалили Яндекс.  Удалите вообще русский язык, у вас же и так хватает пользователь.

tu_134 by Making moves
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Mozilla support neo-nazism

By deleting the search for Yandex, Mozilla admitted that she supports neo-Nazism and the killing of civilians in Ukraine and Donbass.I will never use Mozilla products again in my life.

boroda65 by Making moves
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  • 11 kudos

Верните Яндекс-поиск!

Почему я не могу пользоваться поисковой системой родной страны в браузере? С каких пор стало нормой ущемление прав граждан определённой страны? Это полнейшая дискриминация. Если это не так и решение разработчиков не было продиктовано политическими мо...

Sergei by Making moves
  • 1 replies
  • 17 kudos

1) Return Yandex. 2) Apologize for such antics.

1) Return Yandex. 2) Apologize for such antics.Otherwise I will have to part with you.1)Верните Yandex. 2)Извинитесь за такие выходки.В противном случае придется расстаться с вами.

ZEMACrus by Making moves
  • 0 replies
  • 10 kudos
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